irectors: Tricia Hoffman and Carrie Schwartzenburg
The Online SVDP Store is now closed for the 2014-15 school year. Check back late summer for 2015-16 school year offerings!
Click the image below to link to the Tiger Market page of the online SVdP Store. Tiger Market Directors coordinate the design and sales of all Tiger Market spirit gear, including:
Uniform-approved outerwear
PE-approved shorts and Dri-Fit T-shirts*
Uniform-approved modesty shorts
Tiger Pride Day spirit shirts
Yard signs, stadium seats and other gear
*Only middle schoolers (grades 6th-8th) change clothes for PE. The Dri-Fit shirts sold through Tiger Market may be used for PE or for
Tiger Pride Days.
Tiger Pride Days:
Oct. 27th, Jan. 26th, Mar 30th, and May 6th
PTO Tiger Market would like to thank our friends at Raspberry Rose for their help in launching the online SVdP Store!