Auction News
Honoree: We are very excited to be honoring Sister Virginia O'Donnell of the Congregation of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament at Swing In To Auction 2015! Sr. Virginia is the Pastoral Administrator of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and ministers to parishioners in many areas of their lives. She is also well known for her work with the Guayaquil Mission in Ecuador. We look forward to sharing with you her journey through a lifetime of humble service in the spirit of the Gospel Beatitudes.
Table Underwriting: Letters went out via youngest child to all families the first week of October. Many thanks to all of you who have already turned your forms in! If you are in need of a new form, they are available on the PTO website: If you would prefer hard copy, you can pick up extra forms in the school office.
***If you would like to be included in the auction catalog, please turn your form in no later than November 30th.***
Legacy Wall: The Legacy Wall is making a comeback! Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a Legacy Wall tile at last year's auction? The SVdP Legacy Wall has expanded. We will be offering additional tiles as part of this year's Auction Art Project. Tiles will be available for purchase at upcoming events including Grandparents' Day and Breakfast with Santa. Be sure to purchase your tile early as supplies are limited!
Wine Pull: Back by popular demand! Stay tuned for more information!
Attire: The theme is 50's retro swing. Don't want to dress in period attire? Cocktail attire is fine too.
Check out the Richard Brown Orchestra.
Be sure to book your babysitters and join us for what promises to be a great evening!